Dolphins, sharks, seals, all passing Gwenver today.

A gorgeous day at Tregiuffian, warm from the outset, and with an eerie mists that came and went, shrouding at times the sea, and at times the land.

At Mayon Cliff there were crowds watching first a small pod of dolphins passing, and then a number of basking sharks. There was a canoeist tracking them looking awfully vulnerable among the sharks that were all longer than his little craft. It’s all very well saying that they only eat plankton, but in my mind there’s always the thought that an elephant eats grass, but you wouldn’t mess with one!

Then as we walked around to Lands End we saw a huge seal too. Fab.

It’s about four miles to Lands End around the cliffs, and stopping off in the Cove for a crab sandwich on the way out, and a HSD and Rattler on the way back, plus a Korev at Lands End Hotel made for a whole afternoon of walking – but how fab it was!

Polly, showing off at the same point, sun behind her.

Towards the Cape, with a shroud of mist.

Coastguards Cottages.

And the reward! HSD and Rattler…



The old bugger…